Toше - The hardest thing

tose proeski the hardest thingНајновиот спот, заедно со текстот од песната The harderst thing... - сепак, за нас најтешко...



"The Hardest thing"


I sleep all night
Right by your side
I love to hear
Your breathing

The morning light
Opens my eyes
It's nearly time
For leaving

I know that it seems
Like it's easy for me
Oh I wish you could feel
What's going on inside me

It's the hardest thing
I ever had to do
To walk away from you
When I want to hold you

It's the hardest thing
In every single day
To have to turn away
I want you to know that
this is the hardest thing

Another day
It's years away
I close my eyes
To see your face
The more I wait
The longer it takes

It feels like time
is standing still
Wherever you go
Whatever you do
I want you to know
That you're on my mind

It's the hardest thing
I ever had to do
To walk away from you
When I want to hold you

It's the hardest thing
In every single day
To have to turn away
I want you to know that
this is the hardest thing

It's the hardest thing
Just to let go of your hand
It's the hardest thing
To make you understand
That to love you, feel you
Till the time I see you again
It's the hardest thing

It's the hardest thing
I ever had to do
To walk away from you
When I want to hold you

It's the hardest thing
In every single day
To have to turn away
I want you to know that
this is the hardest thing

I sleep all night
Right by your side
I love to hear
Your breathing

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Џозеф Адисон (1672-1719)